30 helpful thoughts for vocal injury sufferers

  1. This injury doesn’t make you a bad singer. Some incredibly talented people have suffered here.
  2. Injuries are a fact of life for athletes, sports stars and singers.
  3. This is an opportunity to learn more about your voice. 
  4. This is an opportunity to learn more about yourself.
  5. The body is excellent at repairing itself; sleep, time and relaxation aid this process significantly
  6. Very few people will understand the anxiety, frustration, fear, panic and anguish you are feeling right now.
  7. Surgery is a last resort – check in at the first resort first
  8. This will not go away as quickly as you would like it to.
  9. Help is available but few are helpful – make sure you entrust your rehabilitation to people who are skilful and knowledgable.
  10. Treat the injury with respect but do not fear it.
  11. Create time for a healing process – do not limit this with deadlines and expectations.
  12. Some singers get injured some don’t – those who never encounter it are luckier than they know!!!
  13. Some people will give you good advice, some will give you bad advice.
  14. Do not read about or research the worst case scenario on-line, this is not helpful!!!
  15. There is a fantastic world away from singing – explore this more whilst your are in recovery.
  16. It’s ok to cry and be upset about it.
  17. Talking it about it helps, but only with those you can trust to listen.
  18. Acceptance is the key to peace – you may well experience anger and think ‘why me???’ – you are likely to grieve. BUT the road to recovery starts beyond this.
  19. You will get through this.
  20. It’s fine to cancel a gig/performance/audition/rehearsal – if 7 foot rugby players can miss games through injury then we can too!
  21. Don’t be ashamed to tell people – their reaction or interpretation is just that; its nothing to do with you.
  22. In time you will forget how intense your worry, concern and fear is right now – that intensity will ease.
  23. Hydrate
  24. Get in touch with your body so you can identify relaxation and tension effectively
  25. Everything you will experience and learn will help you be a better person and one day – you will help someone else who feels just like you do now.
  26. Most of the effective exercises which cure you are boring but being cured is not boring.
  27. This is not a life threatening illness – keeping perspective helps.
  28. Talking to those who’ve been through it helps.
  29. Laughing helps.
  30. Write down a list of songs/roles you wish to play when you are healed – you will need this as once you are back you will be raring to go!!!!!!!
30 helpful thoughts for vocal injury sufferers